Offices located in Chino Valley, AZ
Staff:  Jason Butler, Administrative Assistant • W. Warren Hoagland, Business Manager • Karol Sova, Sales & Marketing Assistant

Advertising & publishing office located in Chino Valley, Arizona • Billing office located in Chino Valley, Arizona

Opinions expresed in advertisements placed in the Horse Property Connection Magazine
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Horse Property Connection and Arizona Horse Connection are not liable for any damages beyond the cost of the advertisement for any error or omissions that may occur; however, after an advertiser approves a proof, Horse Property Connection bears no financial responsibility for any resulting errors in advertisment. Horse Property Connection and Arizona Horse Connection reserve the right to refuse to accept any advertisement for any reason. Publisher has final approval of all advertisements.

Trudy M. Zeiler Owner/Publisher

Real Estate Broker since 1978 - Member: Scottsdale Board of Realtors (MLS Access) and Prescott Board of Realtors (MLS Access)

Direct Line: (928) 636-1819  Fax Line: (928) 636-1812
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A monthly magazine devoted exclusively to the marketing of horse property, land and acreage
in Arizona and the surrounding areas 
(Published on the 1st of each month)

Horse Property Connection Magazine is a subsidiary of Arizona Horse Connection, Inc., Arizona's leading equine publication since 1988