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(For example, September 8 for October issue, October 6th for November issue)

*** To be assured of ad space, call PRIOR to the 8th of the month because issues sometimes fill up prior to deadline date.

NOTE:  There are NO cancellations after ad commitment on "Show Special" Rates.

ADVERTISING RATES + Mechanicals & Specifications



Call (928) 636-1819 for availability

Call for pricing.

Includes 3 black and white pages (pages 6, 7 & 8).

Final cover is subject to Publisher's approval for content.

Non-refundable 1/2 deposit is required to reserve cover, payable when cover is reserved. Balance is due by the 5th of the month preceding month of issue.
BACK COVER $450.00 Call for availability

Call for Show Special Rates

INSIDE FRONT COVER $425.00 Call for availability Call for Show Special Rates
INSIDE BACK COVER $425.00 Call for availability Call for Show Special Rates
Guaranteed Placement 15% surcharge An additional 15% will be charged to guarantee placement of ad on right hand side & in first third of magazine. Specific page number cannot be guaranteed unless Premium Page is purchased.




FULL PAGE $390.O0 Call for Show Special Rates

Live Text Area Centered: 7.25" wide x 9.55" high

Full Bleed: 8.5" wide x 11" high ( Live text area must be centered & contained within 7.25" wide x 9.55" high) trim area outside these dimensions.

1/2 PAGE $275.00 Call for Show Special Rates 7.25" wide x 4.625" high  (Vertical 1/2 page ads by special request only)
1/4 PAGE $170.00 Call for Show Special Rates

3.5" wide x 4.625" high

Web Photo Gallery

$15.00 per issue for up to 15 photos

$25.00 per issue for unlimited photos


Additional photo gallery added in current issue page for up to 15 photos, or unlimited photos. (Separate rates)

See samples


IMAGES: Minimimum of 180 resolution (200 resolution preferred or higher) - JPEG or TIFF images accepted for photos of property or agent photos.

Images e-mailed to publisher for preparation of ad by publisher may be sent as RGB images. Publisher will convert to CMYK color mode. Send largest format possible of images. Do not crop images. Publisher will crop and/or color correct if necessary. If low resolution and small image size are sent to Publisher, Publisher will not be responsible for final quality of images reproduced in magazine. Images taken from any website or off MLS are generally at a low resolution & usually do not convert well to our magazine format; therefore, quality is usually compromised.

Documents prepared in Microsoft Word with images embedded may be sent to Publisher for general layout suggestions, but images must be sent separately as JPEG or TIFF attachments!!  Ads prepared by advertiser in Microsoft Word are not considered Camera Ready, and must be rebuilt by Publisher.

NOTE: Any material sent to publisher on a CD must be Macintosh compatible. If the CD is formatted for Windows, publisher will not be able to open the CD & extract the contents.  No Publisher Documents can be accepted. Publisher documents are not Macintosh compatible.

CAMERA READY ADS - Call Publisher (928) 636-1819 for details

Accepted Formats: Publisher prefers to prepare all ads.  Advertiser must have permission from Publisher to submit Camera Ready Ad.  Call 928-636-1819 to discuss camera ready ads.

CALL FOR SPECIFICS ABOUT AD PREPARATION. Must be sized properly and CMYK color mode ONLY. If Camera Ready ad contains images in RGB color mode, the ad will print in grayscale!! If camera ready ad does not meet Publisher's specifications and Publisher must correct the ad, an additional fee will be charged to advertiser.

Requirements for camera ready ads:  Text: A minimum of 300 resolution should be used for all text, and a minimum font size of 10 points. If the entire ad is built in Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc. the initial canvas size should be set at 300 or more resolution with document dimensions the exact size, in inches, of the ad (ex: 1/4 page ad: 3.5" x 4.625"). Black text must be in 100% black, not a rich black, or it will not print properly.

Images (photos of property, logos, agent photos): A minimum of 180 resolution, preferably 200+ resolution.  Low resolution images will not print properly.  Absolutely no 72 res images to be used in ad prep.

ACCEPTED FORMATS:   1. PDF with fonts embedded!  All in CMYK & with proper settings & dimensions (must be exact) - call Publisher for specifications. OR 2. High resolution (minimum of 300) JPEG or TIFF - all colors must be in CMYK with proper dimensions. OR 3. QuarkXpress version 7.0 or higher. If QuarkXpress document is provided, all elements + Macintosh screen & printer fonts must be provided, (or PDF of completed ad PDF'd directly from Quark - Acrobat & Distiller program- call for PDF settings). Do not use quick PDF method provided in recent versions of Quark - settings are not compatible with our printer.

IMPORTANT:  NO RICH BLACK CAN BE USED IN BACKGROUNDS OR FOR TEXT because of the printing method... Rich black creates a registration problem in the final printing.  100% black must be used for black text. 

IMPORTANT: We cannot accept Publisher documents or Microsoft Word documents as camera ready ads.  No Publisher documents for preparation of ads can be accepted. Macintosh users cannot open a Publisher document.

Our printer has specific settings for converting Photoshop or QuarkXpress documents into PDF. If camera ready ad does not meet our requirements, an additional fee will be charged to advertiser to correct ad.

Note: There are free PDF programs available on the web - These free programs generally are Windows based and will not be compatible with Macintosh. These free PDF programs will not be acceptable for final PDF of ad and cannot be accepted as a camera ready ad.  Call Publisher prior to submitting.

NOTE: All color in camera ready ads must be CMYKcolor mode, or ad will print in grayscale in magazine.(Note: RGB or Indexed color prints in black & white if not converted to CMYK)

Contact Publisher at 928-636-1819 or e-mail to: for specifics about PDF camera ready submissions and due date.

All camera ready ads must be compatible with Macintosh OS 10 Tiger. Publisher CANNOT ACCEPT "camera ready" ads prepared in Publisher, Word, In-Design, or any other program other than QuarkXpress, PDF format, or high resolution CMYK TIFF.

Photoshop Color Settings must be US Web Uncoated v2. No coated color settings can be used. QuarkXpress colors must be selected from "Solid to Process" or "CMYK" color values only.  Only 100% black must be used, not rich black for text or backgrounds.

Ads or images to be used in ads may be submitted to Publisher either on Macintosh compatible CD or e-mailed to no later than the 8th of the month prior to publication of upcoming issue. Macintosh format only. ABSOLUTELY NO PC OR WINDOWS.

If desired, basic ad layout may be prepared by advertiser & faxed or e-mailed to publisher. All ads are then reset by Publisher. Proofs are FAXED to advertiser for approval or minor revisions if requested. If major revisions/photo substitutions are requested after proof is provided, there is an additional $25.00 revision fee added to cost of ad.

If advertiser wants proof e-mailed, there is an additional $10.00 charge to convert ad to JPEG or GIF or PDF format for e-mailing to advertiser.


Advertiser may suggest a basic layout for ad preparation, but final layout is at the discretion of the Publisher if Advertiser's suggestion is unacceptable for any reason.  Publisher's office policy is to follow Standard AP Style (academic/publishing) & dictionary guidelines.  Ad copy that is submitted using grammatically incorrect descriptions will be corrected.  Final grammar, punctuation, etc. for all ads will be at the Publisher's discretion.

Typesetting, layout and design are available to advertisers, generally at no charge. If special production work is requested by the advertiser, rates will be determined and agreed upon between the Publisher and the advertiser.

All photographs, logos and/or other images to be used in ad must be provided by advertiser unless otherwise agreed to between Publisher & advertiser. Ads prepared by publisher become the property of Horse Property Connection Magazine.




If credit card provided for payment is declined, there is a $25.00 fee added to ad cost (regardless of whether same card is rerun or different card # is provided).  or Ad may not run - solely at Publisher's discretion.

Deadline is the 6th of each month to reserve space for the upcoming issue (release date: 1st of each month). 

All material for ad preparation must be received by the Publisher by the 8th of the month unless by prior agreement between Publisher & advertiser. If material is received later than the 8th of the month, Publisher cannot guarantee that ad will appear in upcoming issue, regardless of whether or not payment has been made for the ad. If ad space has been reserved, and material does not reach Publisher by agreed upon date, ad may not appear, but advertiser will be charged for ad space reserved.

All major credit cards are accepted.

checkmarkREFUNDS OR CANCELLATIONS: Once an ad reserversation has been taken & a credit card provided for payment, there is no cancellation of the ad space.  Advertiser may request a cancellation prior to the 4th of the month, but it is at the sole discretion of Publisher if ad space may be cancelled. 

Premium Page Ads & Show Special Rates - Once advertiser has committed to a Premium Page Ad or a Show Special Rate ad, there are NO CANCELLATIONS on that type of ad.

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revised 02/2012